Eclectus Parrot Fact File

Eclectus roratus

The male and female eclectus parrot have such broadly different appearances that early scientists thought the two were different species. Males are a bright green while the females are red across their body.

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Last Updated - 18th June 2023


6 kg






Wild - 33 years

Captive - 33 years



Plants, Insects

conservation status


Lest Concern


What does the Eclectus Parrot look like?

The eclectus parrot exhibits major sexual dimorphism between males and females. Males are a bright green colour with blue primary feathers and red flanks. Along the short tail is a band of yellow. The central tail feathers are green with those on the outer being blue. Their bill is orange on the upper mandible and black on the bottom. The toes and the feet are black. Females are a crimson red with blue around the collar and around the bend of the wing. Orange tips complete the red tail which is yellow on the underside. Their entire bill is black.

Both sexes have a black eye. As juveniles both males and females have a brown upper mandible with yellow around the edges.

They measure between 40 and 45cm (15.7-17.7in) long. They weigh 397g to 425g (14-15oz). Their wingspan is between 20 and 25cm (8-10in) across.


How does the Eclectus Parrot survive in its habitat?

The strong bill of the eclectus parrot helps them to crack through the hard shells of nuts which they are seeking to break.

The green coloration of the male serves as a form of camouflage as it blends in against the leaves within the forest.

Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus)


What does the Eclectus Parrot eat?

Eclectus parrots are herbivores. They feed upon fruits, seeds, nuts, berries, leaf buds, blossoms and nectar. Panadanus fruits are a particular favourite.


Where do you the find the Eclectus Parrot?

The eclectus parrot is found throughout Indonesia, the Solomon Islands, Palau Islands, New Guinea, the northernmost Torres Strait Islands and in Australia’s far north in Queensland.


Where can the Eclectus Parrot survive?

They make their home in the rainforest’s canopy, tree clumps in savannahs and eucalypt woodlands.

Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus)

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How does the Eclectus Parrot produce its young?

Breeding takes place between July and January. Mating pairs do not stay together for their entire life and birds will regularly get a new mate. Males pursue females by making an excited squawking call.

Nesting takes place in a tree hollow which sits in a clearing or at the edge of the forest. This is lined with wood chips on which the eggs are laid.

Following the successful laying of an egg it takes 26 days for it to hatch. A pair of white eggs are laid. While the female incubates the egg she is fed by the male. Both parents tend to the chick with assistance from previous offspring.

At hatching their skin is covered with short, thick bristles that across a 3 day period will become grey down. Once these colour up it is possible to determine the bird’s gender.

It takes 11-12 weeks for the chicks to fledge. It will be another 2-3 years before they are sexually mature.

Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus)


What does the Eclectus Parrot do during its day?

Eclectus parrots live in small flocks or pairs. During the day they flock to a feeding site with the size of flocks which gather there being determined by how many fruit trees are available. At night they may roost in groups of up to 80.

Sounds made by the eclectus parrot include a chuckling and bell like noise. When feeding they make a ‘chu-wee’ noise and will screech while in flight.

Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus)

Predators and Threats

What stops the the Eclectus Parrot from surviving and thriving?

Natural predators of the eclectus parrot include possums and birds of prey such as the rufous owl. Introduced species such as wild dogs also present a threat.

This species is trapped for sale in to the wildlife trade.

Quick facts

In New Guinea their feathers are used as decorations by the local people.

The first scientists to encounter the male and female eclectus parrot believed they were separate species due to them being so different in appearance.

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BirdLife International. 2019. Eclectus roratus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T155072212A155636053. Downloaded on 06 January 2021.


The Sacramento Zoological Society Staff (2016) ‘Eclectus Parrot’. Sacramento: The Sacramento Zoological Society.

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