Hooded Katydid Fact File

Phyllophorella queenslandica

Credit: Copyright. The Animal Facts.








Wild 1 year

Captive 1 year




Conservation Status


Not Evaluated

The hooded katydid is most notable for its camouflage ability. Their vibrant green skin is patterned with veins which help to camouflage them among the leaves.

Their days are spent on the leaves which they feed on protected by their camouflage. Most of their movements are undertaken at night.

Young resemble the adults but in tiny form. They grow gradually by shedding their exoskeleton getting a little bit larger each time.

They face predation from other invertebrates such as centipedes.

Read on to learn more about these incredible invertebrates.


What does the hooded katydid look like?

Across the body this species is covered a vibrant green color. A pattern of veins running across the skin help to blend them in with trees. Their coloration provides camouflage on their favored food plants. This helps to prevent predation.

Sitting behind the head is the box-like hood from which they take their name.

The ear of the katydid is not located on the head. Instead they have an opening known as the 'typanum' on both front legs which can be used to process sounds.

On either side of the body are three legs for a total of six. These are a slightly lighter shade of green.

Sitting on top of the head are two antennae which can be used to sense their habitat.

Females are larger than males. An average individual measures 60mm (2.4in) long.


What does the hooded katydid eat?

Hooded katydids are herbivores. They feed on a range of leaves.

Water is drunk off the leaves which they feed on.

Hooded Katydid (Phyllophorella queenslandica)

Credit: Copyright. The Animal Facts.


Where can you find the hooded katydid?

Australia is the native home of the hooded katydid. Here the species is restricted to northern Queensland.


What kind of environment does the hooded katydid live in?

These animals make their home in forested habitats.

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How does the hooded katydid produce its young?

During mating a male will transfer a spermatophore to the female. This white-colored package is seen on her abdomen.

Following mating she will deposit the eggs using an ovipositor. Each egg is the size of a grain of rice.

As the juveniles grow they shed their skin regularly.


What does the hooded katydid do with its day?

These animals are primarily active by night.

Hooded Katydid (Phyllophorella queenslandica)

Credit: Copyright. The Animal Facts.

Predators and Threats

What is impacting the survival of the hooded katydid?

Natural predators of the hooded katydid include invertebrates such as centipedes.

The main method of avoiding predators which is used by the hooded katydid is to camouflage on the leaves which they live among.

Their population size and threats have not been evaluated by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

Quick facts

This species is one of the 1000 species of katydid found in Australia.

They were first described for science in 2009.

Alternative names for this species may include the small hooded katydid, bush cricket, leaf mimic katydid or Queensland small katydid.


Backyard Buddies. 2021. Katydids. [online] Available at: <https://backyardbuddies.org.au/backyard-buddies/katydids/> [Accessed 15 December 2021].

Australia, A., 2021. Species: Phyllophorella queenslandica. [online] Bie.ala.org.au. Available at: <https://bie.ala.org.au/species/urn:lsid:biodiversity.org.au:afd.taxon:44f62529-3293-48f9-9e24-90c6e5eea625> [Accessed 15 December 2021].

Lochman Transparencies. 2021. Leaf Mimic Katydid - Lochman Transparencies. [online] Available at: <https://www.lochmantransparencies.com/products/australian-wildlife/leaf-mimic-katydid-phyllophorella-queenslandica-qb-932/> [Accessed 15 December 2021].

Shop.minibeastwildlife.com.au. 2021. Hooded Katydid. [online] Available at: <https://shop.minibeastwildlife.com.au/content/Minibeast%20Wildlife%20Care%20Guide%20-%20Phyllophorella%20queenslandica.pdf> [Accessed 15 December 2021].

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