Malayan Tiger Celebrates Birthday at Woodland Park Zoo

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Tiger Bumi Birthday at Woodland Park Zoo

Malayan tiger Bumi celebrates with his birthday themed enrichment at Woodland Park Zoo

Photo Credit: Jeremy Dwyer-Lindgren/Woodland Park Zoo

Woodland Park Zoo have celebrated the 12th birthday of their Malayan tiger, Bumi. This is an extra special birthday for Bumi with 2022 being the Year of the Tiger, which as the Chinese zodiac suggests, those born in the Year of the Tiger are courageous, competitive and confident.

Keepers prepared a range of birthday treats including a a tiered-box cake sprayed with Hot Thrills cologne and topped with a chunk of meat and bone fit for a tiger.

Bumi is the zoo's only male Malayan tiger and lives alongside a 6 year old female, Azul. The pair have been given a breeding recommendation by the Association of Zoos & Aquariums’ Malayan Tiger Species Survival Plan.

“Bumi is quite enamored of Azul and loves to admire her and chuff in her direction on a regular basis,” said Woodland Park Zoo mammal curator Martin Ramirez. “Our plan is to provide Bumi and Azul the opportunity to breed later this year as part of the Malayan Tiger Species Survival Plan in hopes that their lineage will continue to inspire people to help save tigers in their natural habitat.”

The Malayan Tiger Species Survival Plan is a cooperative, conservation breeding program across accredited zoos to help ensure a healthy, self-sustaining population of tigers.

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According to the keepers who care for him daily Bumi likes boxes and large paper bags to tear and shred. He is also a fan of the perfume which keepers provide him regularly. As they say for Bumi the smellier, the better.

“When Bumi likes a perfume’s fragrance, he’ll rub his face and body all over it and chuff constantly,” said Woodland Park Zoo animal keeper Katie Graves. He also loves to participate in training with his keepers such as voluntary blood draws and routine vaccinations, all while getting his favorite treats. “Bumi enjoys his habitat and visitors can often find him napping in front of the viewing window of the Banyan Wilds’ Field House.”

Woodland Park Zoo partnered with Panthera and Rimba to start the Malayan Tiger Conservation Program in 2012. The program has already helped to protect the population of the Malayan tiger and its habitat.

Through the program a new national park, Kenyir State Park has been created protecting important forest tiger habitat from agricultural development, especially from oil palm plantations.

Wai Yee Lam runs the anti-poaching and tiger monitoring work for the Malayan Tiger Conservation Program. She and her well-trained team spend multiple days in the deep forest, checking camera traps and looking for evidence of poachers. Lam’s training and years of experience have made her a global leader in tiger conservation. However, Lam said, “Conservation isn’t just for biologists or people trained in conservation science. Each individual that has the passion for conservation is unique, you always have something in you that you can offer. Just be you.”

Visitors to Woodland Park Zoo may meet either Bumi or Azul in the Banyan Wilds habitat. As tiger's are solitary they do not share the habitat.

Learn more about Malayan Tigers here - Malayan Tiger Fact File | The Animal Facts

Learn more about the Woodland Park Zoo on their website – Woodland Park Zoo

Tiger Bumi Birthday at Woodland Park Zoo

Malayan tiger Bumi celebrates with his birthday themed enrichment at Woodland Park Zoo

Photo Credit: Jeremy Dwyer-Lindgren/Woodland Park Zoo

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