Image: © San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance

San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Introduce Tiger Cubs Ahead of Tiger Day


The Animal Facts Editorial Team


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Nashville Zoo, Tennessee, The United States

San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance have announced the birth of two Sumatran tiger cubs ahead of World Tiger Day which will be celebrated on July 29th 2023. This is the first litter of tiger cubs born at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park in seven years.

Mother Diana welcomed her litter of cubs on July 12th 2023. These cubs are the first offspring for Diana who has been described by her keepers as an attentive and gentle mother. The cubs are one male and one female who are reported to be strong and regularly nursing.

At present the cubs are spending time in a den where they will remain for several weeks. This time will time for the cubs to bond with their mother. When she is ready she will bring them out of the den to meet guests.

“We are elated about the birth of these tiger cubs,” said Lisa Peterson, executive director, San Diego Zoo Safari Park. “It has been years since we’ve had cubs at Tiger Trail, and we can’t wait to share them with the community.” Added Peterson, “These births are so important to the conservation of this species. Our hope is these cubs will provide an opportunity for our guests to gain a greater appreciation for tigers and the important need to conserve them in their native habitats.”

Diana was bred on the recommendation of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ Sumatran Tiger Species Survival Plan (SSP).The SSP is overseen by conservationists nationwide who ensure the population of tigers in zoos are genetically diverse.

Sumatran tigers are considered critically endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. They are facing habitat loss and poaching with just 400 to 600 individuals remaining in the wild.

World Tiger Day will be celebrated on July 29 2023. The day raises awareness and support for tigers.

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Sumatran Tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae)

More on the Sumatran Tiger!

Tigers are one of the few cats species to like water. Find out what else makes them unique with our fact file.

Our Favourite Sumatran Tiger Fact!

Sumatran tigers are the smallest subspecies of tiger. Tigers are recognized as the largest species of big cat.

Image: © San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance

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